My payment failed or declined

It is extremely frustrating when you have set your sights on a beautiful new bicycle and are then faced with a refusal of the order due to the chosen payment method. We understand that this can be a disappointing experience. We regret that there is little we can do to provide immediate solutions in such cases.

The first step to address this issue is to contact the respective payment method that declined the payment. This will allow you to find out the reason for the denial and try to solve the problem. The payment method's customer service can often provide you with valuable insights and guidance through this process.

In the unlikely event that you are still denied, rest assured that there are alternative solutions available. You may consider using one of our other available payment methods to order the bike you want. This way you can ensure that you are quickly back on the road with your new two-wheeler, without further delays.

We understand the disappointment that these types of situations bring, and we are committed to helping you get the bike you want. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need further support or have any questions about the different payment options. Our team is ready to assist you and ensure that you can enjoy your new bike soon.


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